This was my first attempt at roses. I thought it would be hard to paint, but I really tried to keep them simplified and I think it worked. Helps when you don't pressure yourself, I just thought I would try them and wouldn't worry about the outcome. Happy Mother's Day to all!
The lowly dandelion comes to life, still life that is. The bouquet of choice for toddlers to give to moms, but they really are a versatile plant, although pesty! I used to hunt the tender new greens with my father when I was little, and we would make salad with them, full of iron... good for you. My sister, the plant lover, has made dandelion wine, (I have never tasted it, so can't vouch), and she has roasted the roots and made coffee!! How's that for this pesky little ..... dare I say....weed! They don't last more that a few hours in a vase, (in case you had ideas for a centerpiece)!
Welcome, my name is Mary Anne Cary. I presently live in Cape Elizabeth, Maine, a small town just outside of Portland that sits abutting the frigid North Atlantic. A former graphic artist, I have been interested in art throughout my life and I am excited to finally step into the world of blogging as a way of broadening my horizons. My history as an artist has gone through many phases, I have experimented with many mediums and most recently have concentrated on oils and pastels. I particularly enjoy painting landscapes and still-life, but find it fascinating to work abstractly as well. I have been inspired by all the daily painters and look forward to the growth each one expresses from working daily. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about my artwork, pricing or if you are interested in purchasing anything you see. Additionally, you may visit my website to see more oil and pastels pieces.